Secret to success in selling is…

A few months ago, Michael Content, shared with me 2 little sayings that he has printed up and reads every morning when he sits down to do his Daily Success Plan activity to close even more loans.

I printed it up myself, and come to find out, he may be on to something… I’ve had a noticeable uptick in my team’s closed loans since I started it too

So I thought I would share it with you for you to print up to try it yourself for 30 days (that’s all it took for us to see a noticeable difference).

Here you go…

The secret to the success in selling is to be committed to my daily success plan without being emotionally attached to my results. 

I can’t always control my daily results, but as long as I follow through with the process, the law of averages will always play out and my epic results will take care of themselves.

I can get control of my time and my life only by changing the way I think, work, and deal with the responsibilities that I have each day. 

I can get control over my tasks and activities only to the degree that I stop doing some things and start spending more time on the few activities that can really make a difference in my life.”

That’s it.  I know I know, it sounds a bit “woo woo-ish”, but it’s funny how what we say is soooo important.  That’s been proven over and over again.

It has surely been working for me, but I found I have to actually read it out loud while sitting at the desk right before I start working the daily plan.

Do it for 30 days, along with the Daily Success Plan for 30 days and then let me know how much you increased your loan count.

Of course this won’t work without following the very specific Daily Success Plan.  That’s like buying a car without an engine.  Feels good sitting in it, but it doesn’t actually move.

So I’ll give you the Daily Success Plan too

Just go here and we’ll walk you through it step by step <no charge>.

Getting Them To Show Up

Welcome to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast in the country for loan officers, hosted by Carl White.

Join Carl White together with Brett Chambers as they discuss the importance of having a good team in the mortgage industry, the challenges of prospecting, and the strategies for setting up successful coffee meetings with real estate agents.

They also share tips for increasing meeting attendance and turning them into loans, as well as building referral relationships in the mortgage industry.

Tune in for valuable insights and advice for loan officers looking to succeed in the industry.

Schedule a one-on-one free coaching call, click here or visit

Getting rid of the clutter, so you can…

I’ve got something for you that has been a game-changer not just to my bank account, not just for my mortgage business, but for my entire life…

…. And it isn’t about numbers, interest rates, or credit scores.

It’s about YOU, your life, and how to maximize your happiness while minimizing the clutter.

In our hustle to close deals and make the magic happen, we often pile up some tasks, commitments, and some relationships that were put into place to help us, but sometimes, after a while, may feel like a big ol’ boat anchor holding us back.

Don’t get me wrong, the vast majority of our relationships are nothing short of awesome, but those few can suck the energy out of us like a New York City blackout.

They can make it so we dread going to work, thus robbing us of being at the top of our game.

I want you to do a bit of homework (don’t worry, it’s not hard).

I have found great success in my personal and business life in a process I call “Simplify Your Life” (inspired by Brian Tracy)

Ask yourself, “What or who is in my life right now that, knowing what I know now, I wouldn’t invite into my life today?”

This ain’t about regret, or uncool at all folks. It’s about grabbing your life by the horns and steering it where YOU want to go.

Could be a sticky task you’ve been dreading, a draining relationship, or even a shiny gadget that’s been collecting dust instead of making life easier.

Once you’ve nailed down these speed bumps, ask yourself, “What’s the first step to take to break free and eliminate this from my life?”

Could be a heart-to-heart chat, a polite “no, thanks,” or just deciding to part ways with the thingamajig that’s lost its sparkle.

Now, let’s not go crazy and start ditching everyone who disagrees with us on the latest sports scores.

Especially when it comes to family, it’s important to be cool, be patient, and remember: no one’s perfect.  We show grace to long time friends and family.

Challenges are just part of the game, and open, honest talks can turn them into opportunities.

The point of all this? To help you focus on what truly jazzes you up and makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning, ready to take on the world.

You deserve a life filled with people and tasks that light you up, not weigh you down.

Remember, simplifying your life and bettering yourself is a marathon, not a sprint.

Every step you take gets you closer to a life that’s more fulfilling, less stressful, and chock-full of the good stuff. So, take it easy on yourself and enjoy the ride.

I’m super excited to hear what you think about this idea, so let’s chat!

Going Deep With Referral Partners To Get More Referrals

Welcome to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast in the country for loan officers, hosted by Carl White.

Join Carl White together with Steve Kyles and Kristin Simpson as they bring their wealth of experiences and insights to the table, guiding you on how to forge deeper connections and make each call count.

They’ll introduce you to a game-changing resource, “The Five Love Languages,” which they consider the ultimate business book for improving communication and understanding in business relationships.

Tune in for valuable insights and tips on how to build strong partnerships with real estate agents and grow your business.

Schedule a one-on-one free coaching call, click here or visit

You becoming a Loan Officer Celebrity

I stumbled upon something that turned out to be a goldmine.

Imagine this, you walk into an Open House, and the real estate agent looks up, smiles, and says “I can’t believe it’s you and you’re here..” as if Oprah, or Jimmy Fallon just walked in.

Or you walk into the local board of realtors because THEY CALLED YOU for a personal invitation and when you walk in the crowded room, you hear whispers, “It’s her” or “It’s him”… as if Tom Hanks or Jennifer Aniston just strolled in.

Or you submit your pre-approval letter and it gets moved to the top above all other offers because they see your signature and they already know you (and you have never even met them).

I know this may sound far-fetched, but myself and a select few other loan officers have actually had these and other things like this actually happen to us…. often.

It all started happening when I started doing podcasts.

The funny thing is, most of us simply turn on our laptop, go to a zoom meeting, click the record button, and then ask great questions to our guests.

Then we share that zoom recording to the “podcast elves” in the next room, they click a couple of buttons on a secret software that then uploads and broadcasts that 1 recording to over 20 platforms automatically. 

Platforms?  Think iTunes Podcasts, you get an “iHeart Radio Station Channel” (for free), Amazon Podcasts, Stitcher, basically all the major sources just like the other major players like Ryan Seacrest, all for free.

It’s crazy how this positions you.

We don’t have to be an expert on the topic, we just ask great questions.

You can snag my list of over 105 killer questions that myself and my Podcast Guru friend, Ginger Bell, have been using for our best interviews as part of our complete Loan Officer Podcast System that we just released for a limited time.

Who do you interview?

Top real estate agents in your area!  They LOVE and deserve getting invited and having the well-deserved spotlight shined on them.

Who do you target to listen to?

Other real estate agents listening to the insider secrets that your guest is dropping like confetti at a New Year’s Eve Party. I bought a list of over 1,000 top producing real estate agents in my area (those closing at least 8 buyer sides in the last 12 months), and then started inviting them and sending them my podcast.

I also posted the episodes on my social media and on the local real estate agent group pages.

Makes for really effective social media ads too.  That’s how we monetize social media ads to actually get referred leads that convert for my loan team at around 25%, rather than the lame “consumer direct” strategies that suck money from us like a thirsty camel.

It’s all a win / win / win scenario.

Your top producing guests loved to be interviewed, and then are ripe to become referral partners with you.

Your listeners, all the real estate agents in your area, benefit from the great information that your awesome guests share (because of your great questions) and see you as the “Oprah”.

It causes great intrigue about getting to know you because you are the magnetic hub that all the top producers are hanging out with and that are on your podcast show.

And you, well, you have a completely unfair advantage for being the “mayor” of your new tribe.

It makes the calls, meetings, and getting REAL referrals sooooo much easier and all with higher conversion ratios when you are already known by all… before you even talk with them for the first time!

Everybody loves working with a local celebrity.. which may now be YOU.

I know this may sound far-fetched, and a little, “yeah, but it’s just me…”

…we thought so too, until we actually took action and started to do it.

Go Here to get your complete Loan Officer Podcast guide of all our questions, the equipment needed (laptop and a mic), the software that automatically distributes to all the major platforms for free, and a simple step by step checklist of everything you need to know.

Oh, and I would love to hear your first podcast and share it to others to help inspire them to do the same… that’s how we roll around here.

Action is the first symptom of desire!