“Overcoming The Fear of Asking for Referrals”

On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers, Carl records a call where he speaks with Christi Julian out of Denver, Colorado, on how to overcome a very common obstacle.

Julian shares how she struggles to overcome a hurdle to switch up her mindset and try to remember that not every single conversation will go the way you intend, but you must continue to ‘just ask’. Carl explains in detail why you cannot let the small percentage of naysayers dictate your efforts that will ultimately result in your business thriving. 

For more ways to overcome hurdles in the mortgage business, schedule a call here with our team and we will map out ways to jump right over them!

His Best Month Ever… How he did it

With just a couple years in the business, Kevin Ng is having his best month ever. In this episode Carl and Kevin map out how he’s doing it… and it’s a lot easier than you may think.

Learn how to close more loans in less time, without having to sacrifice precious time with family & friends. Schedule a one-on-one free call here where we will go over a daily plan for your specific mortgage business. 

Why Most Loan Officers Don’t Ask for Referrals… And How to Fix It

In this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for loan officers nationwide, you will learn the “cool way” to ask for referrals and how people will want to give you referrals to make them feel better about themselves.

There are 2 main reasons I’ll be talking about that I think are the ‘why’ behind loan officers not asking for the referrals. I’ll tell you exactly how to say “goodbye” a different way on every call throughout your business day.

Tune in today to hear just how simple these fixes are and begin increasing production today!

If you want to hear more about the 3 x 3 script that I talk about in here, schedule a call here and we will map that out for your business.

Superstars, Women, Men, And What’s Working

In this episode, superstar Jen Conley and Carl talk about how it’s different for men and women as loan officers and about new activities in today’s market.

Learn how to close more loans in less time, without having to sacrifice precious time with family & friends. Schedule a one-on-one free call here where we will go over a daily plan for your specific mortgage business. 

All The Buzz Of 10X-ing Your Mortgage Business

10 times-ing your mortgage business… myth or fact?  That’s the topic today.  It may be more about what NOT to do VS what TO do.

On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, your #1 podcast in the country for loan officers, you’ll learn that working harder (grinding more) isn’t the way to go about increasing your production. Tune in to hear the secret to bringing in more loans by shifting your focus to different activities and the way you structure your team. 

When you ask yourself the questions at the end of the podcast – let those set the tone for what changes you need to make. You are worthy. 

Ready to shift your focus to bring in more loans? Hop on a complimentary 1 on 1 call here to see what that looks like.