Little known weird fact..

Do you kind of feel like that “mortgage wind” is blowing you a bit sideways?

Here’s a little known weird fact:  A sailboat actually moves faster with the wind blowing from the side rather than when it’s going downwind.

See, when it’s going downwind, it can only move as fast as the wind.  When it’s blowing from the side, it can move multiples of the wind speed.  A few years back, a catamaran sailboat set a record speed of 50.8 mph, with a wind speed of only 18 mph.

So how does this help us close more loans?

The last few years, the wind has been at our back.  Rates low, plenty of equity in existing homes, and plenty of money floating around… 

… but let’s face it, it was easy to get “sluggish” and just sit in the easy chair and let loans just fall out of the sky.  

“How do I close all these referred leads” was the biggest challenge.

The challenge now is, getting back to actual prospecting. You know, those things that we used to have to do for every loan…. it’s getting back to “normal” now.  The last handful of years have not been normal.  Rates in the 2’s and 3’s are not even close to normal for those that have been at this for a few decades.

This is actually welcomed news to many of us.

Just like going through the mortgage meltdown of 2008-2009, most loan officers fell off the face of the Earth… they didn’t know how to prospect or they simply chose not to do it.

But here’s the thing, those of us who did prospect ended up making way more money after the meltdown than before it.  I didn’t have my first 7 figure income year until AFTER that challenging time.  We made more on each loan and closed way more loans because only a handful of us were left, there was like no competition.
I’m confident that history repeats itself and I’m confident that you will do record speeds during this “side wind” time… well, assuming of course that you know how to prospect and actually do it of course.  I believe in you!

I’ve never found prospecting to be hard at all. 

It’s a simple 4 step process that we use with our Loan Officer Freedom Club members that I’m happy to share with you <no charge>.

I’ll give it to you here on this demo call.

See ya on the inside and let’s enjoy some sailing ☺

Capt. Carl White

The Loan Officer With Endless Lives….

On this week’s episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast nationwide for loan officers looking to make more money and work less hours, you’ll learn the pros and cons of prospecting and how to do it effectively with zero downside.

Today, I’m talking about something one of our coaches, Mike Cardascia, said to me in conversation the other day. It was “treat this like a videogame with endless lives” – and I kind of tilted my head and thought, “wow, yea, I’ve got to hear how he’s relating this to prospecting as a loan officer.”  

This short podcast episode will tell you how Mike rolled this into why we should not take the rejection personally and how if you keep doing the activity, you’ve only got chances to win, not lose. You’ll only get the upside – more loans, more money, more referrals. 

If you want to hop on a free coaching call to find out what to say on these prospecting calls and how to get them to meet up, schedule a good time for you here.

The Loan Officer With Endless Lives….

On this week’s episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast nationwide for loan officers looking to make more money and work less hours, you’ll learn the pros and cons of prospecting and how to do it effectively with zero downside.

Today, I’m talking about something one of our coaches, Mike Cardascia, said to me in conversation the other day. It was “treat this like a videogame with endless lives” – and I kind of tilted my head and thought, “wow, yea, I’ve got to hear how he’s relating this to prospecting as a loan officer.” 

This short podcast episode will tell you how Mike rolled this into why we should not take the rejection personally and how if you keep doing the activity, you’ve only got chances to win, not lose. You’ll only get the upside – more loans, more money, more referrals.

If you want to hop on a free coaching call to find out what to say on these prospecting calls and how to get them to meet up, schedule a good time for you here.

Which Agents To Get Referrals From

In this episode you’ll learn how to avoid one of the biggest mistakes LOs make on getting referrals from agents. We’ll also talk about how to have an unfair advantage and maximize how to get the most referrals from agents.

For more scripts & strategies, hop on a call with a top strategy specialist <totally free>

Recharging Your Batteries to Close More Loans

Welcome to Loan Officer Freedom, your #1 podcast for loan officers. With the continuation of the new normal returning back into the mortgage industry, it’s so important to connect yourself to podcasts like this and learn how to adapt and keep living life the way you deserve.

In this episode, I’m joined by the lovely Mrs. White, as we talk about how recharging your batteries is critical to close more loans.  We’ll discuss how to live an epic life, taking dream vacations, and how to close even more loans while doing so.

If you want to learn more ways to obtain the freedom to close more loans in less time, let us walk you through it, step by step. Schedule your call here.

Loan Officer Freedom