Sneaky Tricks for Podcasting as A Loan Officer

On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast nationwide in the mortgage space, Carl White and Steve Kyles explain how their shows became the most downloaded podcasts in the loan officer world and how they’ve used them to get referrals.

Positioning yourself as somewhat of a local celebrity, so that when you reach out to real estate agents, they “know of” you in a cool way.

Anyone can start a podcast with a few easy steps that are shared in this episode – and what better way to learn than from two of the most popular podcasts hosts out there? They’re telling you what to say, how to say it and what mistakes to avoid. 

Leveraging this marketing effort for your mortgage business is not as complicated as you think. Tune in and then grab your phone and get started on your own.

Learn more ways to make yourself known to realtors so that when you give them a call, they already have an idea who you are. Schedule a free call here and we will share those with you.

Work or Play during holiday season?


We are coming into the holiday season already. 

The question that always comes up is, “Should we take time off, or should we “grind” while everybody else is taking time off?”

Here’s what has helped me the best…

First of all, do good focused work on a 32 hour work week for 11 months out of the year, and, as long as we have focused on building up our referral network, and not focused on chasing page 3 of the bank statement, we will build up our business so much that you will have earned the right to take off the entire month of December.

But here’s the thing, most LOs are so busy “waiting for things to get better” that they don’t take the time to work on building up their referral network.  

We are coming into the holiday season! What is the one thing that most loan officers and real estate agents stop doing as the holidays approach?

That’s right! They stop selling!  Have you ever heard this from one of your real estate agents? Let’s wait till after the first of the year. Or, Let’s talk later.  Or, Hey I want to take some time off! Have you perhaps said those words yourself?

Let’s chat about that for just a second.  As you know, I am a huge NASCAR fan! Did you know that on the superspeedways like the Daytona 500 that they virtually never put their foot on the brake the entire race, other than when they come in for gas or tires.  They have their foot on the gas pedal the entire time.  When they need to slow down they just take their foot off the gas for a second and then back to full throttle.

This holiday season, take a lesson from NASCAR and consider not slamming on the brakes!

Continue to make your phone calls.
Just consider different topics.  For example, invite them for a coffee just to catch up! Ask about their families.  Ask about what kind of presents they are going to get for their spouse or their kids. Ask what they’re going to do for the holidays. Do they get a real tree or an artificial tree? Do they Open their presents on Christmas Eve or on Christmas day? Meet them at the mall and have the coffee with them while they’re shopping!

Of course we don’t call on the actual holiday day, but the days leading up and immediately after, these can be very productive days.

And as always, we only work from 9am to 5pm.  The mornings, evenings, and weekends are times that we spend with our families, friends, or just recharging our batteries because we have earned the right to do so (and our families deserve our time).

The key is, when January comes, instead of trying to restart your cold engine, simply change your conversations back to “sales mode” and start asking for the business again.

You can encourage your real estate partners to do the exact same thing. It’s much easier to go from 50 to 200 miles per hour than it is to go from 0 to 200. There’s a lot less wear and tear on the car and the engine!

This holiday, do what other loan officers are not willing to do! Keep making your calls! Come January, you’ll be thanking me.

When you are ready to have me hook you up with a step by step plan of exactly what to do to close an additional 4-6 more loans per month in the next 90 days, we’ll map it out for you on a 1 on 1 zoom call <no charge>.

This is the same plan that the Top Producing Loan Officer Freedom Club are currently having continued great success with.

Get Your Free Plan Here

To Your Success!

Getting Things Done

In this episode, Carl interviews Sam Okenyi and Kei Kullberg where they discuss how they stay motivated in today’s market and the importance of accountability and how to do that in a cool way, without “shame and guilt”.

Work or Play During Holiday Season

In this episode, Carl talks about how to do effective work during the holiday season and how to close more loans even while taking time off during future holiday seasons.

Loan Officer Freedom