Never make another goal!!
Never make or pledge another goal… like ever ever again.
Here’s the thing, when we make “goals”, we are putting ourselves in a very small box because we are thinking “realistic”.
You see, we make “realistic” goals. And that’s a major problem.
Realistic goals require us to think about how we have gotten results in the past, doing things the way we have done things in the past.
Like the person who has set a goal to go to Florida from New Mexico in record time….
…4 months… because he’s only ridden a horse to get there in the past.
The thought of jumping on an airplane had never occurred to him simply because he did things the same way he had always done it in the past.
So instead of setting “goals”, I have found it best to actually map out a plan, a proven plan, that I have seen somebody else put in place and execute, then they got the results that I’m wanting to get on that project/plan.
Often times they do a small little twist to the “normal” method, that drastically increases the results.
For example, Clint Hooper, the dude has only been a loan officer for about 12 months and he closed 9 loans in June and looks like he did another 9 in July (waiting for final numbers).
How did he do it? He copied a proven plan and then executed it… with no past experience!
Really simple formula for success there. It comes with my highest recommendation.
It’s how my own mortgage team closes hundreds of loans each month. Just that simple.
The key is to find out who really is having the results so that we copy the right people to get the “right” results.