Your voicemail reported to Google 

In the dynamic world of mortgage lending, efficiency and client satisfaction are key. Loan Officer A.I. CRM, a groundbreaking innovation by Connection Inc., is transforming the landscape for loan officers. This blog explores how this CRM stands as a beacon of progress, offering unparalleled tools for success.

OK, this is going to get a little weird… 
Google often knows if you answer your phone or if it goes to voicemail…  
Yepper, they often know way more about you than you may have thought. 
See, companies share info and such. 
but it gets worse… 
If your voicemail is what often picks up instead of you, google penalizes you on your Google search and rankings. 
“So is this really a problem Carl?” 
ummmm, yeah, it’s a huge problem, read on… 

You see, any time you are referred or somebody sees your social media post, or is interested in the services that you offer, many of the times they will go to Google for validation of who you are. 
And if you show up way down the list (or not at all), that’s a real problem. 
We actually get a fair amount of loans each month from people finding us on Google, and right now we aren’t getting those from paid ads, it’s from Google searches… 

… and part of that is because we actually answer our phones.  And when I’m busy, an assistant or an answering service (that doesn’t sound like an answering service) answers it for me. 
In my case, my business lines don’t even have voicemail set up.  We literally don’t have it because either somebody in the office or an answering service picks up on EVERY call. 
Just as an FYI, a study showed that 79% of the loans were closed with the loan officer they talked to. 
Wow!!  That’s a HUGE number.   79%!! 
Sooooo, what do we do with this info? 
Get a team, or work with somebody who has a team that can help with these kinds of things. 
The days of the “1 man band” or “1 woman band” have been over for about 3 years now.  
It’s these seemingly small things that can make all the difference. 
The good news is, answer your phone and you will likely have a 79% chance of closing those that end up financing a home or refinancing their current deal. 
Those are some good odds! 

Overcoming Fear

Welcome to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast in the country for loan officers, hosted by Carl White.

In this episode, your hosts, Carl White and Steve Kyles dive deep into the topic of fear and how it can hold us back from seizing great opportunities.

They discuss the power of writing down your fears, identifying worst-case scenarios, and realizing that there are no “bears” in loans.

Steve shares a powerful exercise called “Reboot Your Brain” with eight different exercises to help overcome fear and take action.

They also highlight the success stories of individuals who have transformed their loan officer careers by conquering their fears and taking control of their destinies.

Join Carl and Steve on this enlightening journey to understand and conquer fear in the loan officer industry.

Visit to learn more and sign up for the next boot camp. 

Schedule a one-on-one free coaching call, click here or visit

Dealing With The Haters

Welcome to Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast in the country for loan officers, hosted by Carl White.

In this episode, your hosts, Carl White and Steve Kyles emphasize the importance of perspective, choice, and community when facing negativity.

They highlight the significance of not engaging with haters on social media and blocking out negative noise to maintain focus on growth and success.

They also provide valuable insights for loan officers, mortgage professionals, and those seeking mortgage coaching and training programs.

Don’t forget to visit for a free consultation on boosting your leads and growing your business.

Schedule a one-on-one free coaching call, click here or visit

Leveraging Referral Partners and Past Database

In this video, Carl White shares some valuable insights on where top originators get their leads.

He discusses the importance of focusing on referral partners and past databases to generate leads effectively.

He also emphasizes the power of simply calling past clients and asking for referrals.

Remember, taking simple actions can lead to significant results in your business.

For more tips, strategies, and scripts – we invite you to a completely FREE DEMO call here.

Rates are down, now what?? 

In the dynamic world of mortgage lending, efficiency and client satisfaction are key. Loan Officer A.I. CRM, a groundbreaking innovation by Connection Inc., is transforming the landscape for loan officers. This blog explores how this CRM stands as a beacon of progress, offering unparalleled tools for success.

I was talking to a loan officer this past week and she mentioned that she would never call her past database that closed from 2020 to around 2021.  I asked her why, and she said it was because they all had rates of 3% or less and it would be unethical to refinance them. 
Now you and I could talk about how doing debt consolidation may save that client hundreds of dollars a month and moving high-interest rate credit card debt to tax-deductible low interest rate mortgage financing may be something worth looking at… 
… but let’s ignore all that for just a few minutes… 
What she didn’t know is that for me, we call our database because MOST of the loans we get when we do call our database aren’t from “them”, it’s the referrals they give us to their friends, family members, and co-workers.   
Yep, most of our “past database loans” aren’t a redo of them, it’s purchase referrals of people that they know. 
Now, if (although unlikely) rates were to drop to the 3’s, of course most of the referrals would be refinances.  But almost always, the biggest opportunity is with the people they know. 
And the reason why they do refer their friends, family members, and co-workers is because that’s what we ask them in our phone scripts. 
You see, you get what you ask for… 
and if you ask for nothing, well, that’s exactly what you’ll get most of the time
When you are ready for some free scripting help (I’ll give you the exact script we use) and even do some phone roll-playing, just hit me up here and I’ll hook you up. 
Or maybe you are closing all the loans, helping all the families, and making all the money you ever dreamed of already.  If so, keep doing what you’re doing.  If not, let’s hook up here <no charge> 
Get the results you are worthy of!  It’s your turn now.