In the dynamic world of mortgage lending, efficiency and client satisfaction are key. Loan Officer A.I. CRM, a groundbreaking innovation by Connection Inc., is transforming the landscape for loan officers. This blog explores how this CRM stands as a beacon of progress, offering unparalleled tools for success.
Of course we all know that the quickest, easiest, and most dependable way to get more closings is simply to “ask for the business”.
It just seems the stumbling block for most is, that they feel “weird” about asking for the business, so they never actually do it.
The real issue is, that most struggle with feeling “worthy” of asking for the business. Like they have to do something first or juggle a bunch of bowling balls and rubber chickens to impress everybody first, then they feel worthy of asking for referrals….
So there are all kinds of shiny whistles and “widgets’ being offered to LOs, that “If you do this, then referral partners will like you and refer to you”.
The problem with those things, is most of them take a lot of effort and time…
….Time that you could be spending doing actual loan-getting activity. Instead, most of these things have you “getting ready” to do actual loan-getting activity as opposed to actually “doing” loan-getting activity.
See the difference?
“Getting ready” is a colossal waste of time, money, and effort; all while actually not directly producing borrower leads / referrals.
Worse, when we do all that extra (and not necessary) “getting ready” activity, resulting in no new loans, it poisons our minds into thinking that we did a bunch of activity, spent a lot of time doing it, perhaps spent a bunch of money, but nothing actually happened, thus there is no need for me to do any more work as it won’t actually result in new loans.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
We just simply have to do some of the “right” activity…
… all while avoiding the “getting ready” or “busy” work… which will actually hurt your production because it keeps you from the “right” activity.
Now, I’m not saying all “widgets” are a waste of time and energy.
I use a select few in my mortgage branch, and my loan officers use some very effectively too.
I put together a list of 28 value propositions (some are widgets, most aren’t) .. that actually result in more closings for us, with very very little wasted energy (if any at all).
Going over these easy value propositions is what I am talking to my loan officers about this week.
These all make it very easy to ask for, and actually GET MORE referrals in a very cool way.
… Which results in more loans for us… A LOT MORE!
Talk soon.
Carl White
PS. Want me to hook you up with the best activities that we are doing as “value propositions”?
(the ones that actually work… duh)
Go Here and tell me what you are currently doing now, and I’ll hook you up with a customized 1 on 1 call, just like I do with my private coaching clients…. For free ☺
We’ll go over the best value propositions for you to use, to make all this so much easier.
This will be a very good use of your time.