“Swamp Marketing” vs “Well Marketing”

I see a lot of LOs making a truly fatal mistake.  I call it “Swamp Marketing”.

If you think of a swamp, it’s wide and shallow AND it’s very muddy… certainly nothing that we would want to drink out of (or get referrals from).

A well, on the other hand, is a highly targeted and smaller space, but much deeper… and that’s where we get great, cool & clean drinking water… or high quality referrals.

So in our marketing, we don’t want to be email blasting out or social media marketing to a huge list of prospective strangers or referral partners, see that’s wide and shallow. 

Instead, we want to go deep with a much smaller list. 

It’s a bit counter intuitive.  A smaller, much smaller list of the “right agents” will actually get us many more referrals; more loans than a bigger generic list.

With a smaller targeted list of “qualified agents” (those closing 8 buy sides or more in the last 12 months), we connect and go deeper with those.  

What does deeper look like?  It’s actual phone calls <gasp> and perhaps face to face or zoom meetings <double gasp>. 

I flew out and was just doing a presentation to a large group of LOs earlier this month, and somebody asked me which automated tool was best to call people and drop “ringless voicemails” like SlyDial does. “That way I don’t actually have to talk to them” he went on to say.

See, that’s swamp marketing.

Come to find out, when we actually talk to a small amount of qualified agents, that has been the one thing that has been responsible for my team closing thousands and thousands of closings… literally.
While the swamp marketing may look attractive, avoid it like the plague… that’s the water that will make you sick.

Instead, we want to go deep with a few (30 or so qualified agents) at a time.

I’m convinced that everybody intuitively knows to go deep with a few, I think it’s just that they have never been taught how to do it and what to say.

I’m happy to help you with exactly who to target, how to find the 30 or so qualified agents, and what to say to them to get more referred leads (that’s the kind that actually closes).

Just go here and we’ll give you a full example of the 1 on 1 zoom calls, just like we do with our high level Loan Officer Freedom Club members, where we show them step by step how to do ‘well marketing.’

I’m betting that you will be amazed on how much you will get accomplished on this one simple private zoom meeting with either myself or one of my coaches… and it’s totally free.  No catches or gimmicks, just results… because that’s how we roll around here.

Freedom Club Demo

See ya on the inside.