Killer “value add” to your agents.

I love strategies that are super simple, super successful, and actually work.

I’ve seen several different versions of this, and at our last Freedom Club meeting, it was brought up again, so I thought I would share it with you here today.  <you’re welcome>

So 1st, we have to recognize that when we want to help somebody (ie, bring a “value add”), we have to know what their actual problem is…

Real estate agents are not the best at following up, and they have a ton of people, and leads, that they worked with the last 12 months that didn’t buy… and they aren’t calling to follow up with them.

So here’s what you do…

1. Call up agents, ones that you worked with in this past year, even if it was a listing agent on one of your deals.

2.  Ask them this simple money-making question:  “Who did you work with this past year that should have bought a house, but didn’t?”

You then explain to them that 85% of people that actually buy a home, buy AFTER more than 90 days from the first contact.  Only 15% buy in the 1st 90 days.  (real numbers). 

Most agents (and LOs) are fighting over the 15% and have totally ignored the 85%.

Then explain how you are going to contact those people with a proven script (the “9 Word Conversation” one combined with the “Future Casting” one) which will all result in more closings for them… and you. ☺

We find when we do this activity, we don’t just get closings from their older (but still very good) leads, we also get even more of their current referrals too because of the results in advance that you have given them.

In their mind you have created magic… taken older leads and got them (and you) new contracts right now.

In reality, it’s just simple math.  Those “older” leads are actually way better than most people think because they don’t know about the “85% that buy, buy 90 days or more after the initial contact.”

So it’s not really magic at all, it’s just sticking to the basics while avoiding the distractions.

Really, the bottom line script to the agents is “Don’t buy more cows until you milk the ones that you already have.”

In other words, let’s work the leads that you already have had this year before we go through the time and expense to get even more leads when we really haven’t worked the leads that you already have.

That’s pretty much it.

Those are your marching instructions.  Now it’s time to go do it!

When you need help on how to convert these “Oldies but Goodies” calls and go over the “9-word email”, and “future casting”,
Just Go Here and we’ll walk you through it <no charge>, just another random act of coolness. ☺