The Perfect Gift

One of our Freedom Club members (our top-level LO mastermind group) asked a great question…

“I’m am seeking some ideas for unique closing gifts that I can send out. Ideally something universal that I can leave a lasting impression and that has my branding on. Any ideas you can share with me?”

My response:

Great question! Here’s the thing, we have found that we don’t need to leave a “lasting impression”, as we will be contacting them quarterly with a phone call (using our past database scripts and the automated system) and monthly with our “handwritten” note (also done automatically).

Think of it like not needing a lasting impression when you leave a friend’s house after playing cards. You’ll be back next week…

Follow up out trumps a closing gift every time.

The follow up we do is 3 fold:

1. Call with a simple script 4 times a year (this is the most powerful and we have figured out a way to automate it).

2. Snail mail once per month. This has proved to give us huge results. The trick is to NOT send a newsletter or corporate looking postcard. We have found that an actual letter produces more goodwill and leads than anything else (I can show some examples of what we do).

3. And finally, a weekly email. The email we have found that gets us the best response isn’t about mortgages, it’s about what’s going on this weekend around your area. At the end of the email, there is a simple call to action that we call the “Super Signature” that has proved to be the secret sauce.

When I did a closing gift that had a “last impression”, it had zero effect in my closings from those past clients going forward. It wasn’t until I added the 3 fold follow up strategies that I saw an explosion in my measured results.

This follow up approach gives us an average of 1 closing per 100 people in our database per month. So if you have 500 people in your past database, that would be 5 closings… PER MONTH, just from this simple strategy.

Now, to answer your most excellent question, I found giving them pizzas on moving day worked very well for me. After all, it’s what friends do for each other.

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If you want to schedule a time where we can map out and share how we do all this, along with my proven scripts, just shoot me an email and I’ll get you set up. After all, it’s what friends do for each other…

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Be Aware Of What You Are Fishing For…

I had one of my private LO clients reach out to me yesterday and said he had just gotten a referral from a new agent he had be prospecting using our famous “Thor’s Hammer” Script.

The issue was, it was a $700K purchase, thus a Jumbo loan. Well, the mortgage company that this LO works with is an amazing company with very competitive rates…. but not for Jumbo mortgages.

He told me that he was looking for a pricing exception from his company to be able to match what the borrower was quoted from his local bank which this borrower had a business relationship with as this borrower is a local medical surgeon.

He also told me that he really wanted to save this deal with this new referral partner as she “does mostly high end homes with Jumbo loans”.

Here was my response to him on this subject.

“One thing we have to be careful is, we’ll catch what we fish for…

What I mean by that, is most people that apply for Jumbo loans do have banking connections.

Those banking connections will often write a loan at an actual loss, because they are looking for all of the borrowers’ other business too (credit cards, car loans, investment products, their office banking and such).

If this agent does mostly jumbo deals (per your observation), this will be a likely occurrence on almost all of her deals and not make it a profitable relationship for you.

This would make it that most of her deals is going to require your company to stroke a check for $9k for every loan just to close it. (that was the cost to the mortgage company if it did the pricing exception)

This may not be the best agent to partner with because of her large Jumbo loan clientele.

Love the fact that you are using the Thor’s Hammer scripts and strategy to land these agents to start referring to you.

It may be even better for you to pursue agents that work with primarily non-jumbo clients.

It’s the one area where the banks are hard to beat, because, again, they often do them as a loss leader.

Just my thoughts”

I posted this here thinking it may be helpful for you in your referral partner prospecting.

When you are doing your marketing and looking to pair up with referral partners, make sure ahead of time that they are #1 Active and actually working with clients that they can refer to you and #2 Work with the type of clients and homes that you can write loans to easily and profitably.

Thanks for letting me share this with you today. See you on the web, and thanks for letting me share my thoughts with you!

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Loan Officer Heading To Horizon…

Sometimes I find myself focusing on the things that I didn’t get done and maybe coming down on myself a little bit about what I didn’t accomplish or “what I’m not doing”.

I recently realized, we really need to focus sometimes on what we have accomplished.

It goes back to instead of looking at the horizon and trying to paddle out to the horizon, which keeps moving forward, (as we paddle out, it keeps moving in front of us, we never actually get to the horizon), that sometimes we need to turn around and look to see how far we’ve come from the shore, how far have we gone, look at what did we accomplish.

I think it’s really healthy for us to do that sometimes and to reach around and give ourselves a pat on the back.

Right now, as you’re reading this, make a list of a few things that you’ve accomplished and look at that and be proud of what you have done.

Let’s not just always focus on what we haven’t done. Let’s focus on what we have done.

I just want to thank you so much for being part of my journey. I really appreciate you.

I just want to let you know that I believe in you, that you’ve done great things, you have accomplished things, and take recognition of those things that you have accomplished.

That’s it.

Thanks again, and I appreciate you letting me be part of your life. It’s a true honor.

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Want some help mapping out the direction of your JOA (Journey of Awesomeness)?

Here’s the best way to do that:

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The “Grind”, and Why You Should Be Doing Less of It.

“That doesn’t sound like something I would want to do with the precious majority of my day!”, was my response to the LO I was listening to talking about “grinding”.

“I’m doing the daily grind, Carl, yet I’m not where I want to be, where I need to be.”

He had just told me how he was struggling, not just with work as an LO, but at home too.

“My wife and I are not as close as we once were, my kids sometimes look at me like I’m a stranger, and when I am at home, well, I’m not really there… I’m either talking on the phone or I’m checking emails and tying up loose ends I didn’t finish at the office.”, he was speaking softly now.

“And honestly Carl, my business isn’t where it needs to be, and I just don’t get it because I’m doing the daily grind. Man, I’m grinding like there’s no tomorrow.”

So first of all, it’s not his fault. The idea of “grinding” sounds honorable at first.

But geez, who wants to grind all day at work, which is where most people spend most of their “awake” time. Just the thought of “grinding” all day every day sounds abrasive and harsh by its very nature. And that leads to “restless, irritable, and discontent”. (been there done that!)

“No wonder you feel spent at the end of the day when you leave the office! But it’s not your fault.”, I consoled him.

As you are reading this today, here’s the take-home message…

See, there are two ways of looking at the world, through the lens of “time and effort” and through the lens of “results”.

Look at the activities that you are doing, and then evaluate the results you are getting from it.

Those few things you are doing that take the least amount of time and give us the most amount of results, and we actually enjoy doing, well, those are the things we want to be doing more of.

It’s not about “how much you are doing”, it’s about those few things that produce most of your results, which for the majority of LOs, is actually done only a small part of their day.

The “grinding” is usually all the stuff trying to “save deals” and put out fires…. you know, clerk stuff. (more about that next week)

Very small amounts of the day are actually spent doing hyper-focused activity that actually brings in new deals.

And typically, the actual activity that brings in the new business, that small sliver of the actual loan getting activity, not the “busy” work, is actually kind of fun for most LOs.

So the secret sauce is to identify what is that super small amount of activity that provides most of the results and do more of that (which can actually be fun).

And then look at the “grinding activity” that takes the most amount of energy, provides the least amount of results, and is the least amount of fun, and do less of that!

It’s not about the grind, it’s about the results, enjoying yourself, feeling fulfilled, being present with your family and friends, and all while having an income that you may have never even dreamed about.

I know this can be a sensitive subject, and I bring it up because I want to help you.

Having spent many years working the grind myself, which resulted in me (and my family) being restless, irritable, and discontent, until somebody shared with me the same vision that I’m now sharing with you.

Focusing on those few things that give us the most results, takes the least amount of effort, and is actually things that we enjoy, well, that takes us AWAY FROM restless, irritable, and discontent, and leads us TOWARD Happy, Joyous, and Free.

That is my wish for you today, my friend…

Be Happy, Joyous, and Free.

If you would like help mapping out what exactly is the small sliver of activity that actually is “loan getting” activity, let me know by messaging me here.

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The Professor, The Pickle Jar, and Two Cans of Beer.

I don’t know if y’all know about my buddy Kevin Gillespie.

Kevin is one of my business partners, and a very near, very dear friend. But most importantly, Kevin sometimes serves as my personal accountability partner, and I serve as his. We make sure that the other doesn’t get too caught up in a quicksand pit of little things that, left unchecked, can consume you.

Sadly though, Kevin and I are busy guys. Between coming up with future strategies, working with our clients, and handling the day to day needs of our businesses and our employees, we can get pretty swamped. And sometimes, it gets overwhelming, and we can get caught in that sandpit.

But tell you what, every time one of us starts to get a little in over our heads, the other brings up a great story and fantastic life lesson that we learned some time ago, and I’d like to share it with y’all today.

The story is about a professor, an empty jar of pickles, and two cans of beer.

A college professor stood before his freshman philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he silently picked up a very large, empty pickle jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. Then the professor picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. Next, the professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous “yes.” The professor then cracked open the two cans of beer and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed. “Now,” said the professor as the laughter subsided, “I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things – your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions – and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.” “The pebbles are the other things that matter, like your job, your house and your car and so on.” “The sand is everything else – the small stuff. If you put the sand into the jar first,” he continued, “there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you. “Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Spend time with your parents. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and do the laundry. Take care of the golf balls first – the things that really matter. Set your priorities… Life is not a dress rehearsal… The rest is just sand.” One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the beer represented. The professor smiled. “I’m glad you asked.” “It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a beer with a friend.”

Moral: Life is full of all sorts of distractions, worries, stresses. There can be a lot of “sand” in your life, but remember that the golf balls come first. You can deal with the sand later. Whenever life starts to get too full of sand, and you start struggling to fit your golf balls in, crack that beer, reconnect with a friend, and let them help you find a way to fit the golf balls. If you need help sifting through the sand, come hang out with me and Kevin for a couple days here, and we’ll crack a beer with you and help you re-organize your pickle jar…..


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Loan Officer Freedom