3 Things Every Loan Officer & Branch Manager Should Know

Would you like to be able to go on vacation for 2 weeks and still have your best month ever? As Loan Officers and Branch Managers we’re often told to work harder, not smarter, but we’ve found another way.

On this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 podcast for Loan Officers, my dear friend and Mortgage Marketing Coach, Steve Kyles and I will discuss a few things all LOs should do in order to be more effective (aka work smarter) in their business. If you want to find out what specific action items we focus on in our business that allows us to:

  • Partner with people who send us business
  • Get even more done by asking one specific question
  • Encourage our team

Then tune into this week’s episode of Loan Officer Freedom. If you’d like us to help you implement any of the strategies we discussed on this episode, set up your complimentary strategy call today by visiting, LoanOfficerStrategyCall.com.