You Need A Point Of View

As a business leader, you need a point of view to share insights with your audience, build your credibility and compel action. The good news is that, in the end, I have found there are only three points of view that matter by making a difference. I know people who have used all three, myself included. But really, you will find that you probably already have a main point of view that weaves through everything you do.

  1. You hold a vision. This is about possibility thinking, seeing the ultimate outcome, and showing people what they can have when they plan for and take right action. This is about cultivating someone’s dream in a way that becomes so vivid that they cannot see a future without it. In our case, it’s about helping a client see how they can rise to claim what they really want in a home or property… what it will mean to their family, how it will support them in contributing their best to the world when they have the right property.
  2. You tell the future. This is different from holding a vision in that it’s about telling people what will happen using an if / when scenario. If you pay off your debts and get a down payment together, you can have the house of your dreams. If you don’t get your debt ratio down, it’s going to be more challenging to qualify for a mortgage loan. When you show people what the future looks like based on their current actions, it can be amazing how fast people change their tactics to get what they really want instead of what they’re creating through their current choices and actions.
  3. You sound the alarm. This is where you beat the drum for urgency about what you see on the horizon, whether that’s the consequences of today’s behavior, the outcome of economic changes or not filing necessary paperwork on time. Sounding the alarm can be a revolutionary act to wake people up or it can be something that triggers a fear response. Now, why would you want to do that? Studies have shown that people will move faster to get away from something they fear or find painful vs. going toward pleasure or something they want. I, for one, am not above using a little fear to help people get what they want. It’s not my favorite thing to do but you know I tell the truth – sometimes putting it out there and being blunt without the sugar coating about a situation is what people need to know to make their best decisions.


So why do I share all this with you? I mean, I’m pretty much set in my business. I have a great life, a wonderful wife and kids, a beautiful home – and I’m grateful for all of it. The reality is I really don’t need to stop what I’m doing to support and enjoy all that, much less take the time to share what I know with anybody else. But I do it because I believe generous people generate. I believe in the power of our industry to change lives. And I believe in you as a changemaker.


My vision for you is that you step into being a business leader in every sense of the word because that will change your life and everybody else’s that you are connected to in your world. If you can identify and share your point of view with others, and help them get what they want, then you will be successful. And if you can’t find it within you to have that kind of courage, to do what it takes to be a real business leader, then you have two choices: figure out how to do it or just go get a job.


If that got your attention, then good. (See how I did that?)


My intention is to help you enjoy more freedom, prosperity and happiness in your life and business. I’ve cracked the code on how to do it so you don’t have to go through the same struggles I did to reach your goals. You can take the fast track because I’ll tell you what works in the real world. I share my proven formula for success wherever I can – in my writing and speaking, through webinars, and with members of The Freedom Club. When you are ready to take your business to the next level, the Marketing Animals coaches and I am here for you. And that’s my point of view.


Let me know what your point of view is and how you share it with your audience in a comment below. I’d really like to know.


Carl White, Chief Officer of Coolness

Article Originally Posted on LinkedIn











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