What do you think we should do?

Do you find yourself getting sucked back into the files once you’ve submitted the file?   
See, the problem with that is it’s not something we can grow with.   
Having a team that closed around $105,878,352 last month, one thing I have learned is, we have to act like we are a real business, or better yet, like we are the CEO of a big business. 
We can’t allow ourselves to be sucked into the files.   
We have to surround ourselves with amazing people…  People who can solve problems instead of asking us/you what they should do about a situation.    
I have this policy that has worked for me very well.  Any time somebody on the team asks me to solve a problem, I ask them “well, what do you think we should do?”, and then just be quiet and see what they say. 
I find that about 95% of the time, the solution they came up with is the right one, and it empowers them to make decisions in the future. 
Now, 5% of the time, perhaps they do something that I may disagree with, and sometimes that does cost me a deal or even a referral source.. 
.. however, because I/you can now focus on bringing in the next 20 loans and the next 20 referral partners instead of worrying about that “1”, well, I think you get the idea. 
We have to focus on the big stuff that really moves the needle and not concern ourselves with who parks where in the parking lot. 
That’s what I think, what do you think?