Use Repetition for Renewal

When you’re looking to create new results, you have to do something different. That only makes sense. What many people forget they can use as a tool is all the stuff they’ve already been doing to get where they are now as a guide for creating those results. Let me explain.


When you want to create a fresh outcome, you first need to believe it’s possible. From that possibility, the vision you hold in your mind, you will naturally create optimism and, when you think about it enough, a new belief about that outcome becoming reality. As you believe it’s possible, you will start taking actions to make it happen. Then you will start recognizing signs that the outcome is happening.


For example, a favorite scenario is the desire to lose weight. To lose weight, you have to want to do it, believe it’s possible, take actions that you believe will get you that result and then monitor your success. You might use a scale, measurements with a tape measure, how your clothes fit or how many compliments you get from people around you to measure that success. The point is that the process needs to play through all four stages to create a new outcome.


Now, think about something that you want to change or achieve as a new result in your business. Chances are it’s something you have already tried to go for and it’s still on your to-do list. Maybe you want to double the number of deals you do a month, or you want to triple the number of clients you help in the next 12 months, or maybe you want to expand your referral network by 25% in the next 60 days… this is where looking at what you’ve tried already can hold the key to new success.


Whatever you have already tried and hasn’t worked has also created, through repetition, a pattern which has likely affected what you believe is possible about that outcome. Repetition can become a rut – OR it can be a source of renewal when you examine it with a fresh perspective. When you look at what you’ve done in the past with a new commitment to learn from it, and you’re honest with yourself, you can see where you can make new choices going forward. New choices create new actions and renewal on achieving a new result. (That’s a whole lot of ‘new’ in there…!)


Here’s what can trip you up in all this – your willingness to be brutally honest with yourself. You have to be willing to see and admit where you can do it different or revisiting where you’ve been will not be helpful. In fact, it could even turn into a reason to beat yourself up about not getting a good result. Many of the good people I know will take on ‘failure’ as a personal flaw rather than use it as an opportunity to learn. And, obviously, I am recommending that you use the repetition of the past that didn’t work out the way you wanted to generate clarity, options and a renewal of fresh results.


Want to double your closings every month? Use Thor’s Hammer religiously. Want to triple the number of clients you help? Get more involved in your circles and community. Want to expand your referral network? See how many more people you can help get what they want so they return the favor when one of their contacts is ready to buy. Want ideas from people who have been where you are and won? Join the Mortgage Marketing Animals or come to a 3-Day Mastermind Event.


Oh – and look for where you have half-built bridges (that’s my latest article in the Scotsman Guide; you’ll be hearing more from me on this concept in the coming months).


To bring this point home, if you DON’T do this, you run the risk of unconsciously retreading where you’ve already been and that’s not going to get you different results. Some would go farther and say that’s the very definition of insanity. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results.


The bottom line here is to learn from and use what you’ve done in the past to create new beliefs, ideas and actions to get new results. Believe that what you want is possible. Use your past repetition(s) to direct you away from the ruts and into renewal. Be prepared to monitor your progress. And celebrate the little victories to keep your energy high and stoke the fire to get continuing results.


Let me hear what you’re doing different to create new results in your business. We’ve got a great community of folks here who are waiting to learn and give you their suggestions too. What’s the one thing you know from your past that needs an upgrade to get a different result? Shout it out so we can celebrate your awesomeness!


Carl White, Chief Officer of Coolness

Article Originally Posted on LinkedIn











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Loan Officer Freedom