Must do this

One thing we must do, particularly in this new market that we find ourselves in….

PROSPECT NOW with the DSP (Daily Success Plan).

Here’s why…

Understand that the effort you do in prospecting this month will give us our results for January, February, or even March (which historically can be the slowest months for LOs). 

See, we are in a pipeline business.  The pipeline is at least a 90 day process.

I get it, sometimes when we prospect, we get a deal right then.  But most of the time, the vast majority of the time, it’s about a 90 day delay from prospecting till file in process.

First of all, 67% of all home buyers get their financing from the loan officer their real estate agent recommended!!


We have to make sure that we take around 2 hours at the beginning of each day to:

1. Prospect with agents in our area that are closing at least 8 buyer sides per month but not currently referring to us.

2. Giving appreciation and asking for even more referrals to agents that are already referring to us.

3. Updating the buyer agent, the listing agent, the borrower, the co-borrower, and the title company and then using my “3 X 3” script to ask for even more referrals from those people in a super cool way that has even more referrals rolling in.

4. Marketing to your past database by phone, text, snail mail, email, and targeted social marketing.

5. Calling your pre-approved looking prospects with the “Future Casting” script to help ensure we actually close on those people that we have already put all the effort in getting the lead and pre-approving them.

6. Texting our referring agents with the “Thursday Text” to get even more referrals on Thursday and Friday so that we can take the weekends off.

The reason why most LOs are down this season is because they forgot how to prospect or perhaps they never had to because with rates in the 2’s and 3’s, we were too busy patting ourselves on the back with all the business that was coming in… heck, who could blame us..
We started thinking that we don’t need to prospect like every other sales people do because loans were just pouring in from everywhere.

That thinking is costing most LOs from achieving truly epic results.

Understand that it’s not your fault if that is your thought process, it’s likely that nobody has ever shown you how to actually prospect in a super cool (and easy) way and how to have ever increasing production (ie, EVEN MO’ MONEY IN YOUR POCKET)

If you want to see a step-by-step approach on how we time block our week so that we can do all those things, about who does what, resulting in even more $$$ to you, all while taking evenings and weekends off….

Let’s set you up with a 1 on 1 zoom meeting where we’ll walk you through exactly how to do this <no charge>

Schedule 1 on 1 zoom meeting here to see how

We’ll also share scripts to get more referrals and past database stuff.

It’s your turn now!!

Talk soon!

What’s Possible Now

In this episode, we dissect the business of a loan officer that has grown over 350% in the last 4 years.. even in today’s challenging market.

Schedule a one-on-one free call here where we will go over a daily plan for your specific mortgage business. 

Magic Beans for LOs…

The vast majority of LOs want to be sold a “magic bean” to build their business.  Virtually all the ads we all see today are proof of that. 

But you personally want to remember that smart people don’t believe in magic beans.

If you want to make serious money in a serious business, then you need to acquire some skills and knowledge, preferably from people that are actually doing, at a very high level, what you want to do.
Let’s get you hooked up with a plan, a serious plan, done by people that are seriously successful. 

Your 90 Day Plan <no charge>

…. and no magic beans included…

The “I Have To Give 3 Cards” Script


So I was sitting in my office the other day and Sue, a loan officer that is a private consulting client of mine, sent me over a message as a quick SOS signal.  Here was her message:

“I have a realtor with me right now – here’s the question: Her brokers (she is in FL) tell her that there is a “law” that she has to recommend more than one lender. I know there is no such law, but what do I say to her Carl?  I need to know ASAP as I’m sitting with her now.  Thanks!”

How many times have we all heard the ‘ol “I have to hand out 3 cards” response from agents?!

Now, some of the time, this is a real situation that is in agents’ minds that they really think they do need to hand out 3 cards based on some erroneous information that somebody has given them.  Other times it’s nothing more than a “deflection” response from agents, you know, meaning that you really haven’t given them a reason to give out just your card


You don’t actually want them to give your card to a prospect, who may or may not call you, by the way. 


…you want the agent to tell the prospect you will be calling them, then that agent call you and give the referral to you.  This ensures a solid connection, instead of the ol’ “well, I gave them your card, I’m not sure why they didn’t call you…” response from agents.

So here’s the script that I sent over to Sue, my private consulting client:

“Awesome, it’s an honor to be one of the 3.  At least we know that 1 out of every 3 of your referrals will close on time and you will have great communication on the loan process, and that 1/3rd of the time that your leads will be followed up like green on a pickle, so at least on those, you will get even more referrals from them once they are in your past database.  On the other 2, well, all bets are off.”

Now, let’s talk about that script for a minute and I’ll explain why it works so well, and give you some follow up information that will help you get a lot more referrals in other ways too.  

A few years ago I sent a survey out to around 15,000 real estate agents asking them what their #1 complaint was with loan officers that they refer to.

Here’s what came back in the order of importance to them.

#1:  They don’t close on time

#2:  They don’t communicate with me on the loan process, I don’t know what’s going on with the file.

#3:  The loan officer doesn’t follow up on my leads

So I knew right then what to focus on in my marketing to agents….

I call this my “Realtor Referral Getting” Checklist

1.  Close on time!

2.  Communicate with them every Tuesday morning on what’s going on with the files we are working on together (either me or my team calls them with updates)!

[by the way, there’s another script my team uses to get tons more deals when we do those weekly updates.  Be sure to ask me about the “Just Ask” script when you do your complimentary strategy call with us by going here:

3.  Follow up on their leads relentlessly! 

So you want to weave those 3 things in all of your marketing and scripts because those are the things they said are most problematic with their current lender they are giving all their referrals too.

When you cover those 3 things, you’ll get a deluge of business from agents… 


But listen to this, it’s one thing to say you’re going to do those 3 things, it’s another to actually do them. 


But we can talk about how to structure “who’s doing what” in your current day to day activity to show you how to use your current resources to make those 3 things happen like clockwork during your strategy call.  It’s way easier than you think…

…it’s just prior to now, nobody has shown you how…
… but once you know just a few things, you’ll see how epic your mortgage business can be, getting even more referrals and all with less stress ☺

Talk soon!

PS.  On your strategy call, we will be going over some other “loan getting” scripts too.  This call will be a great source for even more free scripts ☺

Go here now to see if there are any openings left for your complimentary strategy call: