Rate hike, what rate hike….

I just had to share a text message that I just got from a Loan Officer Freedom Club leader, Tammy Saul.

“I just had my best week of new purchase originations ever.  I got 23 new contracts plus 7 refinances…”

That’s not 23 purchase deals and 7 refinance deals for the month…
that’s 23 purchase deals and 7 refinance deals for the WEEK!

“Holy kicking butt Batman”…

She said that she’s been getting referrals from agents who just started referring to her because their “regular” loan officer is no longer a loan officer.

The takeaway here is to work a solid plan, stick with it, and be consistent while others exit or fall away.

This is a time of great opportunity.

Stay encouraged, do the activity, and stay away from those who choose to watch things happen while winners like Tammy MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.

That’s it.  Just words of encouragement coming from people who are setting records.

There are no magic beans, just proven plans ☺ 
Learn the plans here