A Podcast for Loan Officers Ready To Ramp Up Business
Best Year Ever… While Traveling The Country In A Motorhome.

Best Year Ever… While Traveling The Country In A Motorhome.
On this edition of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 Podcast for Loan Officers in the world, we are joined by Brian Kimball, one of our Freedom Club members, who travels the country with his family full time all while working and writing loans out of his motorhome and having his best year ever! His headquarters are out of Southern California. But his branch is becoming fully virtual and is transitioning to be nationwide. Brian discusses how he can work remotely while: ● Increasing the business and loans he was closing when in an office ● Keep up his Referral relationships using Technology ● Using his unique situation to further strengthen his connection to Listing Agents ● Working 40 hours or less and spending real quality time with his family If you have questions about this topic, set up a Free Strategy Call with one of our coaches at LoanOfficerFreedom.com/StrategyCallRequest About our Guest:
What Are Loan Officers Doing To Be Prepared For Drastic Changes In The Industry?
What Are Loan Officers Doing To Be Prepared For Drastic Changes In The Industry?
Times they are a-changing!
On this edition of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 Podcast for Loan Officers in the world, we are joined by my dear friend Sue Woodard, one of the leading experts in the mortgage community.
In this episode, Sue will give us her tips on how to not only survive but thrive in this current purchase-driven market.
Sue gives us her best tips on:
- How to nurture your leads to form real relationships that convert into Closings
- Building your Personal Brand
- Getting more referrals from Realtors and people in your community
- Adjusting your business to succeed in this purchase focused market
- The importance of the HUMAN equation, enhanced by technology
- Updating your business model to reflect the, now adult, millennial demographics’ demands and needs
- Organizing and managing your time
- How to gain a customer for Life
About Our Guest:
Sue Woodard brings over 25 years of mortgage industry experience, strategic vision and leadership to her role as Chief Customer Officer. Her focus is on helping clients achieve greater productivity and long-term success.
Total Expert is a first enterprise-grade marketing operating system for lenders, that puts the tools into originators hands to actually drive revenue with marketing at www.TotalExpert.com or reach out directly to Sue through her LinkedIn.
If you have questions about this topic, set up a free strategy call with one of our coaches at LoanOfficerFreedom.com/StrategyCallRequest
Creating Your Own Freedom Through A Solid Work & Home Life Balance
Creating Your Own Freedom Through A Solid Work & Home Life Balance
How to Have it ALL!
On this edition of Loan Officer Freedom, the #1 Podcast for Loan Officers in the world, we are joined by Kim Rivas, a loan officer that is one of our leaders in The Freedom Club for Loan Officers. In this episode, you will hear how Kim is able to not only crush her numbers of loans closed, but also have time for herself and her family.
Here’s a taste of the strategies Kim shares on how she:
- Balances work life and home life.
- Sets consistent goals for work-time and free-time.
- Utilizes the team to keep business on track and running smoothly.
- Leaves work by 4pm every day all while still bringing in consistent business and closings.
If you have questions about this topic, set up a free strategy call with one of our coaches at loanofficerfreedom.com/strategycallrequest
Having A 10X Mindset In Your Business And Your Life
Having A 10X Mindset In Your Business And Your Life
Today on our #1 rated podcast for Loan Officers, you can hear more about this amazing way of changing your approach to sales and beyond. Carl and Richard talk about goal setting and having a 10X mindset. Our guest, Richard, spoke with Carl about this life-changing approach that can not only help you succeed in your professional career but can be used to help your family and your life successes as well.
Richard truly brought his expertise in this field to the conversation and covered many topics for making more sales, setting bigger goals, and closing more leads that will help you succeed in ways you never thought possible before!
Everyone works harder when they’re excited, and this podcast will bring some new ways of thinking that will help you get excited about your future as a Loan Officer or in any field. Sometimes it’s good to be unreasonable when it comes to goal setting! “Who gets excited about realistic goals?” Think bigger, think farther, let go of the fear of failure and go bigger than you ever thought possible. “You must think and act in a wildly different way than you ever previously have”- Grant Cardone, Author of The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure
How To Use Facebook, Google, & Retargeting Ads To Create A Steady Stream Of Referrals
How To Use Facebook, Google, & Retargeting Ads To Create A Steady Stream Of Referrals- Episode 35
When was the last time you scrolled through your Facebook newsfeed & didn’t see an ad pop up? Or how about the last time you Googled something & there wasn’t an “ad” label underneath the top links?
It’s hard to remember, right?
Online ads have become such a normal part of our every day online experience, yet less than 10% of LO’s are actively marketing their businesses through Facebook, Google, or retargeting ads!
On the next #1 rated podcast for LO’s, you’ll be guided through the interworkings of the top 3 online paid traffic systems by SEO expert & Facebook guru, Chris Johnstone! You’ll learn strategies tailored specifically to LO’s & the mortgage industry — including Facebook ad examples that have proven results & retargeting tips that will help you stay in front of actual buyers & sellers online!
Hot Topics:
• Google My Business Ads (07:20)
• Facebook Ads (10:30 & 26:24)
• Retargeting Ads (18:50)
Get to know Chris: Chris is the CEO of ConnectionIncorporated.com, an SEO company based in Guelph, Ontario that focuses on ethical and strategic search engine optimization services & digital marketing campaigns that help businesses increase traffic, reputation & sales.
Connection Incorporated is the leading expert on generating high quality leads for the mortgage industry & increasing online visibility.
Contact Chris (855) 432-3990 for a FREE 30-minute strategy session.
How To Create Engagement & Generate Referrals From Past Clients Using Facebook
How To Create Engagement & Generate Referrals From Past Clients Using Facebook
Past clients are like mini gold mines when it comes to generating referrals, but the catch is knowing where & how to dig for the gold!
To help us hone in on the where & how, Carl White is joined by SEO expert & Facebook guru, Chris Johnstone!
Chris works directly with LOs to help them create & establish an online presence that outshines the competition & stands out from the norm.
By tying together follow-up & social media, you’ll learn online strategies & industry specific techniques to produce organic leads from past clients time & time again!
Hot Topics:
• Facebook strategy 1: How to create engagement with past clients (04:33)
• Facebook strategy 2: How to stay top of mind & generate referrals (11:48)
BONUS: Top performing Facebook ads that you can swipe & post right away (22:28)
Get to know Chris: Chris is the CEO of ConnectionIncorporated.com, an SEO company based in Guelph, Ontario that focuses on ethical and strategic search engine optimization services and digital marketing campaigns that help businesses increase traffic, reputation & sales. Connection Incorporated is the leading expert on generating high quality leads for the mortgage industry & increasing online visibility.
To receive a FREE PDF copy of the top performing Facebook ads from Chris, send an email to info@connectionincorporated.com or call (855) 432-3990.
How To Get Loans From The Front Page Of Google
How To Get Loans From The Front Page Of Google
Google has made a lot of changes lately, but the most notable for lead generation is the way their search engine works & how local businesses show up in searches.
What does that mean for your loan business?
Find out on the next #1 rated podcast for LOs, where Carl White kicks off a 3-part series with his good friend & SEO expert, Chris Johnstone!
You’ll learn the most up-to-date “how to” strategies for enhancing your website’s SEO, easy-to-implement techniques for generating organic traffic, & how to position yourself in Google’s 3-pack for your local marketplace!
Hot Topics:
• Google’s new search engine changes (03:05)
• 3 things you can do right now to get on the front page of Google (4:57)
• A content plan that’ll improve your SEO (07:34)
• How to get a FREE website analysis & detailed report (12:55)
• A cool tool to see your competition’s backlinks (17:18)
• Online reviews & rankings – proven strategies to double your reviews (22:47)
Get to know Chris: Chris is the CEO of ConnectionIncorporated.com, an SEO company based in Guelph, Ontario that focuses on ethical and strategic search engine optimization services and digital marketing campaigns that help businesses increase traffic, reputation & sales. Connection Incorporated is the leading expert on generating high quality leads for the mortgage industry & increasing online visibility.
For a short time, Chris is offering a FREE website analysis & custom site optimization plan that includes everything you need to properly optimize your site! Don’t delay on this one as there are limited spots available — and they go fast!
The Power of Presentations for Business Growth
The Power of Presentations for Business Growth
On the next #1 rated podcast for LOs, Carl White is joined by speaker, coach & trainer, Roberto Monaco! Roberto has conducted over 4,500 presentations around the world covering topics that range from public speaking to video marketing.
You’ll learn TONS of helpful tips for communicating, presenting & influencing (in a totally cool way, of course!)
Whether you’ve done presentations before, are looking for tips to fine-tune your skills, or are completely new to the craft, this Q&A styled episode will give you a clear view of how to use presentations to build relationships with agents that produce real referrals!
Hot Topics:
• Why presentations are crucial for LOs (03:30)
• Group presentations vs. 1-on-1 presentations (06:01)
• Tips for when the fear creeps in (09:20)
• Roberto’s “formula” for presentations (16:52)
• The art of storytelling (24:28)
• The 2 things you should always have with you when presenting (26:25)
Get to know Roberto: Roberto worked for The Anthony Robbins Companies for 6 years, & 4/6 of those years he was the top producer & revenue generator in the country. He also coached & trained all of the other Peak Performance Strategists at The Anthony Robbins Companies. Today, Roberto is the co-founder of InfluenceOlogy, a training and coaching firm that helps sales professionals, leaders & executives to acquire more clients, make more
money & advance their mission through the art and science of influence.
Want to learn more? Visit influenceology.com or Download Roberto’s FREE Ebooks Here
How To Scale Your Business Through Automation
How To Scale Your Business Through Automation
One of the hardest things about being a Loan Officer is trying to find the balance between Loan Getting activity, and business fulfilment activity. Don’t you wish there was an easy way to eliminate all your “busy work” so that you can focus on getting more referrals and closing more loans?
We’ll let you in on a little secret: There absolutely is an easy way to do that. It’s called a CRM.
In the latest episode of the #1 podcast for LO’s, Carl White and Wes Oliver discuss the life-changing benefits of utilizing a CRM, and how Wes increased his closing rate by almost 400% in the first 3 weeks he had his CRM up and running.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
– What a CRM is
– Why your business needs one
– How to increase overall productivity with a CRM
– How to blend your CRM with follow-up methods you’re already using
– How to customize your CRM to your business
And best of all:
– How to free up your time for loan getting activity through CRM automation
If you have questions about how to implement your own strategy, set up a free strategy call with one of our coaches at loanofficerfreedom.com/strategycallrequest