How to Create Time Freedom in Your Business


How to Create Time Freedom in Your Business

Nights and weekends (AKA “me” time) – That sacred time you get where you can choose to do whatever you want with whoever you want, unwind, and recharge your batteries so you’re on your A game for the work week ahead.

But, as we all know when it comes to the mortgage biz, preapproval letters don’t take nights and weekends off and to keep our clients and agents happy, it’s imperative to make sure they have those letters when they need them.

On the next #1 rated podcast for LOs, Carl White is joined by Jerry Williams, a seasoned LO out of Dallas, Texas who used to struggle with balancing staying present during nights and weekends due to having to generate preapproval letters at random times and on short notice. Jerry shares his ground breaking solution that not only changed his life and business, but enabled his agents to have access to the letters whenever they need them (while Jerry is off enjoying his “me” time)!

Here’s a taste of what Carl and Jerry discuss in this episode:
•The main problem loan officers face and a killer solution for it
•Creating balance between work and home life
•How to eliminate being your own bottleneck
•A tool that allows the borrows to be empowered around the numbers
•Preventing mistakes and enabling agents to be in control

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