Gratitude is Always Good

This time of year, people feel the spirit of gratitude – for their loved ones, health, lifestyle, for our servicemen and women, and so much more. We really do face first-world problems when something goes sideways. Living in the U.S. gives us opportunities that are easy to take for granted. But we can make up for that by being grateful for what we have and what we know is coming – always.

Being grateful isn’t a new message from me, especially if you’ve attended The Freedom Club. You will hear me talk about it now, and again, and again. There is power in gratitude because it keeps us humble. It reminds us that others need us to be successful, so we can help them with our resources. It connects us to our community and the world at large through humanity. Life is just better when you’re grateful.

So take this time, and then every day after, to appreciate what you have in your life. For a short list, think about your family, friends, clients, community, home, church. Think about what you know and how you’re using it to make your business and the world around you better. Think about your health, your creativity, your mentors and give thanks.

Consider how people perceive you and say thank you in your mind or even right to them because what they think of you is a reflection of what you’re putting out – whether it’s what you want or not, their perceptions are the golden path to acknowledging what you’re doing right and / or making you a better version of yourself.

Give thanks for your challenges and having problems to solve because each of them is helping you build strength, use your resources and capabilities creatively and showing you next-level growth for yourself and your business.

And, because I believe that we have a lot to do with creating our reality, give thanks for what you know is coming. When you work hard and smart in your business using the systems that I and the Marketing Animals coaches teach, there is no other option than experiencing success on your terms. In that case, the business targets and achievement goals you have for your business, and the lifestyle you want to live, are coming – it’s only a matter of time. When you know that like you know you are breathing, you give yourself tremendous power through unshakable faith in yourself and your Higher Power (whatever that means to you).

Speaking of which, I want to take a moment here to thank God for all who are in my life, especially my family. I am a man blessed beyond measure to have met Maria what is long ago and feels like yesterday at the same time. Together, we can handle just about anything. And don’t even get me started on how proud I am as a father – my kids just keep growing into better and better people by the day.

I also want to give thanks for the connection you and I have because you invite me to be my best self. I need to show up with my best to help you and your business grow faster, smarter, easier. I’ve made all the mistakes so that I can save you the time and trouble. I’ve also done really well in my business and it would be pretty damn selfish of me to not share how I did it and what I’m doing that works today in my business. (Leave me a comment below to let me know what you want to learn, by the way – that will help me deliver even more value through the Marketing Animals curriculum and events.)

And you know… leave me a comment below about what you are grateful for too. I want to know that because I want to celebrate with you. You feeling good and sharing shout-outs for who and what matters in your life with gratitude lights me up too.

Be well this holiday season, my friend… gratitude is always good.

Carl White, Chief Officer of Coolness
Article Originally Posted on LinkedIn

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