“Damaged” doesn’t mean “Broken”

I had a live mastermind event in Florida a couple of weeks ago.

After one of the sessions, I happened to walk by two Freedom Club members talking about something called “Kintsugi”.

“Bless you!” I said.

They laughed and explained what they were talking about.

“No Carl, I didn’t sneeze, I was telling Joe here about Kintsugi. It’s a Japanese form of pottery, where they take a pot that’s cracked or broken in pieces, and they repair it with gold lacquer, so that it’s repaired, but now it’s cracks and damages are the most beautiful part of it.”

In that moment, I had something like an epiphany. Just because you’re “damaged goods”, does not mean you are broken, my friend. You are still just as functional, as successful, as useful as you’ve always been, even if you’ve been through the wringer a time or two. Maybe it’s been an especially hard time. Maybe you’re in more pieces than you’d like to be. But guess what, you are strong, you are capable, and you are resilient. You’ll make it through whatever trial you’re facing, I guarantee it.

You might be thinking, as you’re reading this, “I don’t know Carl, this time it’s different, I don’t think I can put myself back together again, what do I do?”

I’ll tell you what you do. You reach out to me here, on LinkedIn, or on Facebook, or call my office, and I will work together with you to repair your cracks and fix them all up with gold so that you’re back and better than ever. I promise you this, I am with you every step of the way my friend.

You are stronger than you think. Keep on keeping on, my friend. I’ll be cheering you on wherever you are.

You’ve got this.

Carl White, Chief Officer of Coolness
Article Originally Published on LinkedIn

PS: When you are ready, here are the ways we can help you best.

1. Work with us one-on-one
If you’d like to work directly with us to map out a dream mortgage business – one where you have an epic income while actually working less weekends and evenings (if any at all) – just Click Here and tell us a little about your business and what you would like to work on together, and we will get you all the details.

2. Get your complimentary 1-hour strategy session
You are entitled to 1 full hour strategy call to map out a step-by-step plan on exactly “how to write more loans while working less hours.” Simply tell us a little about your business to help us prepare for your strategy session, and then you’ll have full access to our calendar to schedule your call. At the end of the call, you can ask us to help you implement that plan, or you are absolutely welcome to take that complete plan and work on it by yourself. Click Here to schedule your call today!

3. Click Here for information about our next 3-day “How To Close More Loans Now” event!

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