Crushing Call Reluctance Into Calling For Cash!

Let’s get the bottom line out of the way at the beginning – call reluctance can kill your business if you let it. Better you hear that from me now, than your future empty bank account. The good news about call reluctance is that you can turn that into calling for cash, once you understand what’s going on and just how much power you have to change it. (And I’m using the word ‘cash’ because it sounds cool… calling for ‘establishing and cultivating really great relationships’ just doesn’t have the same ring to it.)

First, know that you are ALWAYS at choice in your life. Nothing is bigger than you in your life – including call reluctance, fear of success/failure, or anything else you can name – UNLESS you allow it. So you are choosing to have call reluctance be an issue in your business after you’ve read this article.

Now there are a few factors that can contribute to call reluctance. A big one is your personal sales-esteem. Meaning, it’s about how you’re showing up in a sales scenario – confident or not-so-much? Maybe you’re new to sales, or you’ve got sales experience but you’ve heard a lot of rejection, or you have taken the brunt of people’s frustrations in your calls in the past. When your sales-esteem is low, that phone can get really heavy.

Maybe you don’t know what to say once you actually get someone on the phone. It’s that awkward moment where you don’t feel prepared with something to say or you freeze up because you can’t think for a minute. This happens in personal 1:1 meetings too. The good news is that this is easily addressed. Read on…

Maybe you have a lot of distractions – like tweets calling you out or emails pinging in or you’re trying to handle a call while getting the battery of your car fob changed. It’s hard to focus and make calls when distractions are present.  

Something that affects many loan officers is not having easy access to your call list contact information so you have to go on an archeological dig for it before you can even begin thinking about making calls. (This happens to be one I know all too well.)

If you’re like me (well, who I was back in the day), you might think you need to have more discipline to get those calls done. But discipline is a non-factor when you are fired up enough about what it is you want – think about that the next time you want Chunky Monkey ice cream at 2 a.m.! The answer on this one? When your desire (to connect with prospects) is bigger than whatever is blocking your path to it (call reluctance), you will make your calls.

It can get real easy to forget that you have the potential to change someone’s life by making that call. Their dream might be to own a home, and you might be able to make that happen for them. When you really get that, there ain’t no phone big or heavy enough to stop you from making that call.

Just like anything else in life, momentum makes achievement easier. So when you find your call rhythm, you create momentum – and you just want to keep making those calls and having conversations that matter. That’s when you finally realize calls are not about you – it’s about what you can do for the other person on the phone. When people know that, your business will just naturally grow. People don’t generally care to do business with you until they know you care about them first.

I’ve been in this business for a long time now – I won’t go into that now… let’s just say I’d have to take my shoes off more than once to count that high! Anyway, I can tell you one of the biggest secrets I know about being successful in our industry is simple — be humble. Just show up. Get out of your own way by focusing on the other person. Share how you can help someone get what they want. Make the calls. Have the conversations. Meet people. Keep it real. And, in case I wasn’t clear, make the calls.

This is a hot topic for me. In fact, I am so passionate about making calls and what gets in the way that I sat down and wrote a book with one of my good friends – Kevin Gillespie. You might know him as one of the top trainers in our business. We wrote this book to share the best of what we know. Back in the day, we didn’t have the internet or fancy marketing techniques – we had the phone and our feet. So we know what we’re talking about and we put it all in this book. In fact, it’s now a best-selling book. You can get it here:

If call reluctance has ever been, or is right now, a factor in holding back your business growth, I’d love to hear from you. I want to know how it’s up for you… what’s your call reluctance story? How did (or does) it show up for you? What affect does it have on your business? How did you overcome it? Now is your time to make a different choice about call reluctance… how does it feel to take your power back from the phone? I’m serious — let me hear from you below.

AND… if this is something that’s a problem for you in your business today, I really want to hear from you. You can get past it – every great salesperson has had at least a brush with this issue. And many, including me, have gotten smacked by a big, heavy dose of it. Maybe it’s a rite of passage.

In any case, don’t let call reluctance be bigger than you and kill your business. This is your invitation to crush your call reluctance once and for all so it becomes calling for cash— my team and I have your back. Fill us in – we’re here to help.

Carl White, Chief Officer of Coolness
Article Originally Posted on LinkedIn











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