Are you too busy?

Busy is the poison of growth. Let me say that again, “busy is the poison of growth!”

If you’re “too busy right” now, I’ve got news for you…you need to hire help.

So many in our industry are almost drowning in business right now, which on the surface sounds like a good thing, but the comments and conversations I continue to have with loan officers is that they are just too busy to go out and get even more business.

As the loan originator, it’s your job to do the “loan getting” activities. You focus on bringing in the business. From there, you have a team in place who chase conditions, put out fires, etc. Without you, nothing else comes through the pipeline. So if you’re not sourcing and generating leads right now, what are you focusing on? If you’re “too busy” to source new business right now, what will your pipeline look like 30 days, 60 days, even 90 days from now?

To get off the loan officer roller coaster, that is one month you’ve got all the closings in the world and the next month you’ve got none, you have to have help.

“But Carl, how do I hire someone, and who do I hire to come on to my team? And can I even afford to hire someone right now?”

First things first, you can’t afford NOT to have someone on your team if you’re too busy. The cost of inactivity is always greater than the cost of taking action. The first step is knowing what needs to be done. When you know what needs to be done in your mortgage business, you can assign certain tasks to certain people. After that you can begin to hire the right person (or people) to help you carry out those tasks. In my branch, we use an assessment test called, The DiSC Profile. It helps us understand what someone’s strong suit is. Because we understand that, our branch runs like a well oiled machine because everyone knows what they’re good at and they are operating in their highest and best use.

We have our Loan Partners, Processors, Assistants, and others on our team take the DiSC Profile. Incorporating this assessment into our hiring process has been the catalyst for hiring what we like to call our “A” team!

Just as an FYI, you can take the Disc Profile for free on this site.  The report that it sends you is around 72 pages of great information of your personality and your workers’ personality to help get more production with less “office drama”.

Click here for the Disc Profile

5-star prospect

I was talking with my dear friend Dean Jackson not too long ago, and he shared something with me that I want to share with you…

You can’t turn someone into a 5-star prospect, but you can discover who already IS one once you have that first conversation with them.
And you can do this simply by using the following five-step criteria during that first call…

Number 1: They’re willing to engage in a dialogue…
Number 2: They’re friendly and cooperative when you talk with them…
Number 3: They know what they want…
Number 4: They know when they want it…
And number 5: They want YOU to help them.

Any 1 of these missing AFTER your FIRST conversation with them… well, there’s 1,000 of “them” and only 1 of YOU ☺

Never forget this.

That is all.

Want to see how we get so many referred leads, you know, the kind that checks the above 5 boxes AND actually closes with you?

Let’s get you on a private zoom call and I’ll walk you through it – schedule here < no charge >

What is Stopping you?

Most people don’t exhibit courage until things are so bad they’re forced to take action.

Left to their own devices, humans tend to stay in their comfort zone.

Something usually has to force them out of their comfort zone for them to do something about it.

Courage is life’s way of giving you a challenge.

The adversities and challenges of life will help you develop stamina, endurance, and physical strength.

Right now, think to yourself: “What is stopping me from getting what I want?”

Maybe you are scared.

You don’t believe in yourself.

You are in an environment that isn’t helpful.

You lack capabilities.

Whatever it is, if you can identify the obstacles, you can work towards transforming them.

You have the capability to do and become more.

Are you ready to do and become more?

Let’s set up a call here

Quick Question

I was talking to a friend of mine, Ryan Deiss, who is a 7-figure CEO.

We were talking about how we firmly believe that having the right question is more valuable than having the right answers…

One question that we ask each other is called The Pragmatic Question:

Is our strategy not working because the strategy is bad, or is it not working because we are incapable of executing this strategy due to constraints we cannot resolve at this time? What are those unresolvable constraints?”

I have found that sometimes in the past, I would start a strategy, then quit it before I really had the opportunity to react to the results or I quit it before I could execute it on a consistent basis.

I have also found it’s a great plan to go over my planned strategies or my current activities with somebody else who is already “uber successful” to see what I may have missed, or how I could get even better results (more loans) with even less effort (or headaches).

It’s often the simple small “tweaks” that have made the biggest differences in results.

What are the small and simple “tweaks” that can make all the difference?

Let’s set you up on a 1 on 1 private zoom meeting to go over your plans and see what small tweaks we may see to get some serious traction, without more headaches or “fires” to put out.

Bring me up to speed here, then pick a time on the calendar that works for you.

Loan Officer Freedom