Asking Yourself These 3 Questions Could Change Your Mortgage Business

In this episode of Loan Officer Freedom, my buddy Robert Fillyam and I go over a few questions that I ask myself every 90-days while sitting on my front porch.

Robert is a super successful non-producing manager out of Gainesville, Florida with a stellar team closing between 220 to 230 loans per month. Tune in to hear me ask him these three questions and hear his real and unscripted answers. Try it out yourself to help streamline your mortgage business.

These 3 questions are…

1. What friction is in place to make it more difficult for people to work with me?

2. If I could hire my dream person, what would this person do?

3. If I could magically solve one problem by snapping my fingers, what would it solve?

If you’re interested in finding out how to close even more loans (without working more hours), set up your complimentary strategy call today by visiting,