It’s a battle..

A buddy of mine, Kevin, made a great point the other day. Check this out…

Although the 13 colonies DECLARED our Independence on July 4, 1776, we didn’t really achieve it as a nation until 1783.

So when we celebrate “Independence Day” on the 4th, that wasn’t the actual day of our independence.


Our Country is free today LESS because of the Declaration that was signed in 1776, and MORE because of the 7+ years of war that were waged after it to secure the OUTCOMES of our DECLARATIONS.

Moral of the story – If you make HUGE DECLARATIONS in life (and I recommend that you do), I wouldn’t recommend sitting back then and waiting for them to come true. I’d prepare for the war that will inevitably follow.

Reminds me of Susan Bingman when she told me, rather she DECLARED, she was going to close 8 loans in July. That may not seem like a big deal to many of you, but that was just 2 months ago and the most she had closed in any month so far this year was 2.

We mapped out her Fast Action 90-Day Plan together.

Her results so far, she has 9 set to close in July.

How did she do it?

First of all, she had a burning desire. Then she just simply followed a plan which started with a quick 1 on 1 Zoom meeting, just like we’ll do with you.

Just go here and I’ll set it up for you.

Fast Action 90 Day Plan

So make your deceleration, put together your action steps, and put your boots on, and let’s secure YOUR freedom.

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