Which Is Better to Build Your Business– (K)new or New?

Like you, I watch our industry to see what’s going on… one of the most interesting things I find is the emphasis on using ‘new’ technologies or ‘new’ strategies or ‘new’ methods to build business. Why? Because I have always found that the ‘(K)NEW’ – with the silent K – always wins more business.

I’m a guy who likes all the newest whiz-bang toys and all that comes with shiny new technologies… I can’t lie about that. Just check out my 3-wheeling car to know that’s the truth!

But here’s the thing – in every business situation, it wasn’t the shiny new thing or the latest and greatest tech that got me business. Yes, those can help generate leads and give my business visibility. But, when it comes down to it, what has gotten me business every time is when I did what I knew to do – treat someone right and get the deal done, call my “warm” database – that got me business.

If you aren’t up on current lender rates and options, if you don’t have your act together to help your client get pre-qualified, if you don’t have a team backing you to process loans and help your clients, if you aren’t leveraging technology in the right ways, that’s going to hurt your business in some way. (You know it too – I’m just calling it out here.)

But all that stuff pales in comparison to knowing how to treat people right and getting the deal done. It’s not what’s ‘new’ that brings you business but what you (k)new about your client, your agent and your lender, and how to work the process, that brings you business and gets deals done.

Now I’m happy to go through the latest stats and powerhouse strategies and tell you what’s working right now to build your business, I actually use most of them myself. Don’t get me wrong! But there is a more important foundation that, if you don’t have it, all the ‘new’ ways in the world can’t help you.

The foundation under all that other business-building stuff is what you know in your gut is the right thing to do about how to treat people and then to follow-through to help them get what they want. And that’s not really something anybody can teach you. You have to feel that in your belly. It has to be part of who you are or your business doesn’t have a solid base to build from, no matter what innovative marketing strategies or lender ratios or cool website or fancy technologies you use in it.

So pay attention to what’s happening ‘out there’, for sure, to help you build your business. But know that all that ‘new’ stuff doesn’t mean squat if you don’t use what you (k)new going into any deal about how to treat people right and commit to helping them get their deal done.

Somehow, I just ‘knew’ you needed this little reminder. (And yes, that was a totally shameless pun – just because I could!)

Carl White, Chief Officer of Coolness
Article Originally posted on LinkedIn

If you have questions about this topic, set up a free strategy call with one of our coaches at loanofficerfreedom.com/strategycallrequest










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