160 Hours to Completion

I don’t want to throw you into a panic but, as of December 1, you have just 160 working hours to finish everything on your 2018 to do list. Here’s how to know what you should work on to finish 2018 like a champ and be ready for 2019.

1. Does the task make you feel bad to look at or think about if you don’t get it done?

The number one best thing you can do for your business is to feel good – physically, emotionally, energetically. If something is dragging you down, get it handled pronto. Getting it handled might mean delegating it. You don’t need to do everything, but you are responsible for making sure things get done. And if they’re not really helpful, delete it from your list.

2. Will the task help you, your customers, family or friends?

If there’s something you have on your list that has the power to really help either you or the people in your world, get it done. There’s no need to procrastinate on helping others get what they want, which just makes you feel good (see #1 above).

3. Do you have tasks that are easy wins if you did them?

Sometimes it’s a matter of putting things into motion or supplying your team with what they need or taking 30 minutes to get something sorted out – those all count for easy wins. Just suck it up and get ‘em done (see #1 above).

4. Do you have tasks that are half-started?

If yes, pick one and finish it – then pick the next one and finish that one. I’m going to be talking more about this concept in 2019 but, for now, work the task or project through to get it done, then move on to the next one. Start with the one that is furthest along, so it can be done sooner, then pick up on the next most “closer-to-being-finished” one and get that one done.

One of the tricks to getting things done is to write them on a list. From what I hear, Richard Branson does his daily list in three’s – and I think we can agree that he’s cracked the code on success. Once you have them written, you are committed – get them done THAT DAY, preferably before you do anything else. When you do, make sure you cross them out on your list because experts say the psychological reward of doing that is very satisfying (see #1 above).

(Notice how #1 really is #1? Just pointing that out… you gotta feel good to create what you want in life and business.)

Now, if one of the things on your list was to be healthier (which is pretty much everyone I know), then good on you – get that going! There is no better time to give yourself the gift of more energy with better food intake, more water, more sleep and better habits. When you are in a race to beat the end of the year clock, it’s the best time to take really good care of yourself so you can get everything done while setting yourself up to start 2019 strong.

Believe me when I say that sharing this with you reinforces it all for me too. If we all do it, we can get some pretty good synergy going. There’s a proverb that says “If you want to travel fast, go alone. If you want to travel far, go with companions.” Let’s travel together to make the most of these 160 (or less if you’re taking vacation) so we end 2018 on a high note.

Experts say that naming it claims it so let me know in a comment below what you are committed to getting done in 2018. Let’s do this thing!!!

Carl White, Chief Officer of Coolness

Article Originally Posted on LinkedIn











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